About me

Hi there! I'm a frontend developer, currently living in the outskirts of Zurich, Switzerland. I'm passionate about solving interesting problems, ranging from designing delightful UX experiences up to theoretical Computer Science problems. I'm a quite well-rounded person, so you'll find here posts about coding, living abroad, sports, music, traveling and learning new languages.

I'm originally Brazilian, with Japanese (from my dad's side) and Spanish (from my mom's side) origins. I lived in São Paulo for 24 years, up to my graduation in Computer Engineering at ITA, which is arguably the most rigorous engineering school in Brazil. In case you're curious, here is an article about it.

My free time is spent between sport, playing the piano (here's a video, if you're curious) and watching performances of classical music and opera (I'm proud to say I've been to most of the major opera houses in the world). I'm also keen on learning languages and I'm currently having a fun and hard time learning Russian.

Stuff I have been working with includes:

Here's a link to my full CV.

I'd be happy to connect on LinkedIn to talk about pretty much anything! Or you could also drop me an email, or check out some of my repos on GitHub.